Epitaph (2012)




Angela Brouskou - Parthenopi Bouzouri
Participation Gina Politi

MiniMaximum Improvision: Thalia Ioannidou, Despina Tsafos, Gelina Pallas, Irene Christofaki, Alcestis Stefanidou


The organization and curation of the exhibition has been a collaboration of Kunsthalle Athena’s curatorial team: Fokidis Marina, Apostolos Vassilopoulos, Eleanna Papathanasiadi, Angela Roussou.

Volunteers: Christina Stamos
Sound: Sonic Playground

Kunsthalle Athena presents for two days only, on Monday 9th and Tuesday, July 10th, the lecture-live act- concert titled Epitaph, directed by Angela Brouskou.

Epitaph is a performance-action that will be conducted in  collaboration with the music band MiniMaximum Improvision and "Theatro Domatiou Besides the three main actors and the music band, involving a group of young actors who will take part in the interaction with the public, and of course visitors.

A diachronic musical installation, that will deal with the text of Thucydides Perikleous Epitaph, which will read Gina Politi, with extracts from Ancient Greek Democracy and her Importance for us today, and  Greek Particularity of Cornelius Castoriadis ,  as with a letter that was found within the book of Castoriadis on democracy after explicit intention of an anonymous signatory in a central bookstore of Athens, at the time the country is in economic and social misery.

Athens, as Thucydides perceives in the Epitaph, even if he dreamed or invented himself, that Athens has a meaning that speaks to us today. The form of government where the people have the ability to change things, to recommend the public space through the action, "said Angela Brouskou. "We operate a stochastic framework, where the concept of democracy discussed again at odds with the emotional speech of citizens, as articulated in the public space today, in the cafes, the streets, the squares of the city."

Audience and artists will meet in one of the neglected but essential arteries of the heart of the city, in Metaxourgio, the grand zero of the "tragedy" to talk about the "dead" and "loss" to sing, drink, to lie down on the roof of the Kunsthalle Athena, a symbolic public space in order to leave a trace-ours, and those dying with us.

The questions raised, negotiate the meaning of "public mourning" and its expression, the "Epitaph" in all its conceptual range: death, end of intimate and family relationships, daily crime, political and socio-political turbulence the violent displacement of people from home and work, the existential impasse, trafficking, even the simple passage of time, without reversing.

Epitaph is a performance open to anyone who wants to participate for personal and collective interests. A quilt of human bodies and objects will cover the roof of the old building Kunsthalle Athena, a "public burial" that bear the sorrow of the city.
